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  • A small core team, led by Sam Baker, is organising this as an initiative of Change Drivers, a registered UK charity. A large, extended network of organisations and individuals are doing most of the work!

  • Out of pocket costs are being met by personal donations via Change Drivers. All time is provided pro-bono with the exception of social media support. The main cost to fund is the payment to the Jane Goodall Institute for planting trees which will scale with the distance walked. The fund is building and private donations continue to be sought

  • Unfortunately not, but bear in mind you can fundraise independently and link your fundraising to the distance you travel on the app

  • Illustrative targets


    The virtual journey: 12 Townhalls

    Participation: 10,000 participants registered in atlasGO, each of the 6 stakeholder groups to have a minimum of 500 participants

    Walk: 2m kilometres travelled, equating to an average of 20 kms per participant over the 45 days. 1 million trees planted

    Talk: 10% of participants to attend each Townhall. A minimum of 3 managed discussions on Club House highlighting climate action between each city event. Half of all participants to attend 2 or more events

    Act: $200 raised per person for every corporate team. Assuming companies make up 20% of the total, this would equate to approximately $400,000 raised. 25% of walkers to contribute to the COP 27 proclamation that will be delivered on completion

  • The key metrics will be the number of people involved and quality of engagement e.g. distance walked, townhalls attended

  • atlasGO operates on flexible cloud-based infrastructure making it highly scalable.

  • We are making progress against the plan, particularly against the country townhalls and broader engagement, but need major network organisations to partner with us for each of business, students, and the major faith groups.

  • Requests for personal data will be kept to a minimum and held on atlasGO. Sharing will only be between atlasGO and Walk2COP27 and will only be done within the boundaries of the consent given.